Featured Grant

“The talent that our consumers possess in creating art works is truly astounding. This program has been a pleasant reminder that there is no limit to what individuals can create, given the opportunity.”

Richard Diaz, Jr.
Former Board Chairman, MacDonald Training Center

Fine Arts Studio at MacDonald Training Center

Showcasing capabilities and amazing talents of artists with disabilities

The Fine Arts Program at MacDonald Training Center gives more choices to individuals with disabilities in both home and community settings. Individuals are given an outlet to express themselves beyond the written and spoken word, using painting, drawing, creative crafts and working with clay. Some of MacDonald Training Center’s participants who have histories of little verbal communication have found new ways to interact with the world through creating paintings and other artistic pieces. Consumers with limited motor skills or cognitive challenges can benefit greatly by working with clay.

Exposure to and active participation in the arts has greatly improved the quality of life of participants with disabilities who generally have little or no access to art. So much raw, untapped talent has been discovered, sometimes even surprising the artists themselves.

Photos of MacDonald Training Center Arts Program credited to Alisha Pergola.


MacDonald Training Center Website

“Tampa” by Kristina Gonzalez
